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Planning YOUR Vacation

There are millions of blogs, Pinterest links, and Facebook posts on the internet to tell you how to plan your vacation {you’re reading one now!}, and as soon as you post something on Facebook about going on vacation to wherever, every single person that you know who has ever been to said vacation destination will also tell you how you should plan your vacation.
So here’s the thing: it’s great that they loved XYZ, but you may not. This is YOUR vacation. If you’re going to Disney World, don’t eat at Chef Mickey’s just because your friend’s sister-in-law’s cousin said that you had to. If you’re going to Universal, don’t buy a park-to-park ticket because someone who loves Harry Potter told you that you have to ride the Hogwarts Express when you don’t even like Harry Potter.
I’ll say it again: THIS IS YOUR VACATION!
If your kids are scared of characters, for all that is good in the world, DO NOT eat at a character meal and think that it won’t scare your kids when Mickey Mouse pops up next to them. If you aren’t going to ride rollercoasters or “big rides”, you probably don’t have to get an Express Pass at Universal. If you or your small one survive on mac and cheese and chicken tenders, you don’t have to get the dining plan at Disney World.
See where I’m going here? You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do! This is your money, your time, and your vacation!
Yes, there are lots of moving parts to every vacation and you want to research everything and have the best vacation possible, but I can’t tell you how many people have been all but paralyzed by having too much information. This is where a having travel agent is SUPER helpful. {If you don’t have a travel agent, we recommend using Embrace the Journey Travel for all of your travel needs!}
Some guests just want to ride rollercoasters. Some guests just want to meet characters. Some guests want to do everything that they can within 3 days. Some guests spend 9 days in the parks and exploring their resorts. These trips can’t all possibly have the same itinerary, and it’s a travel agent’s job to help you create the best plan for you and your family.
So if you’re ready to plan a vacation, contact a travel agent and let us help you make this your best vacation yet!
*Disclaimer: We read Disney/Universal blogs ALL OF THE TIME and love them. There is nothing wrong with reading and researching. Just don’t let someone else’s “dream trip” change your plans for your dream trip.
Check out our Disney Planner Files to help plan your next vacation!